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Send a Kid to Camp Freedom


Business No: 119159465RR0001

Send a Kid to Camp Freedom

“Camp Freedom was so much fun! I think it should be longer. The counsellors were amazing!! Very helpful, sympathetic, and supportive.” - Regina

“I can’t wait until next year!” - Tayler

“This camp was amazing!”- Ryan

“ I had an amazing time at camp! Thank you for putting on this camp every year for us.” - Chantelle

“Thanks for having me! I had lots of fun and I hope to see you next year!”- Kayla

“I wish camp was longer!” - Katie

Camp Freedom is a program for youth (12-19 years old) with spina bifida. It is offered at the accessible facility of Camp He Ho Ha. Nineteen years ago a need was identified for teens living with spina bifida to become more independent from their parents and for them to have the opportunity to be able to build relationships with other teens. Camp Freedom helps reduce feelings of isolation and depression while increasing independence, confidence, and self-esteem in youth living with spina bifida. The overall goal of camp is to promote personal independence in a safe, social, and teen focused atmosphere. Youth with a disability can be socially excluded and sometimes participate in a smaller range of activities than their peers. Camp provides these youth with the opportunity to develop their social networks, learn new skills and become confident in using these new skills. This four-day overnight camp allows campers to try many new and different activities that help get them active in fun and creative ways. When the teens come home, they now have an extensive list of accessible activities that they could do at school or home with their friends and family. As campers experience new things and build friendships, they become more independent, confident, and learn how to improve their social skills.