Bird Friendly Halifax
Business No: 891266744RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Nature Nova Scotia is participating in the new Bird Friendly Halifax coalition, a group of like-minded environmental organizations, researchers, citizen scientists, and bird lovers trying to make the HRM an officially-designated Bird Friendly City. You can help!
Our goal: make Halifax a Nature Canada-certified Bird Friendly City and work together to improve our city's bird-friendliness through research, stewardship, and education
How we’re going to achieve our goal: 1) Assess just how “bird friendly” HRM currently is, 2) Engage a network of stakeholders who can help (including organizations, decision makers, and the public), and 3) Complete actions together that reduce bird threats and improve local stewardship.
What we’ve done so far: We held a panel discussion about the state of HRM’s birds during the Nature Nova Scotia Celebration of Nature in May 2021, where we learned about the threat of window-strikes, cats, and issues with habitat connectivity. Meeting regularly with coalition members in the months after, we discussed these gaps at the city level and what actions might be taken to create solutions. In May 2022, Halifax Regional Council agreed to adopt the Bird Friendly Halifax movement and contribute staff resources to our group’s work. We’ve applied to Nature Canada for Bird Friendly entry-level status and look forward to working further on the actions identified as priority bird needs! In the meantime, Nature Nova Scotia launched Operation Window Strike to address the threat of residential windows in our urban core. We piloted the program in Spring 2022 with 30 homeowner kits and are hoping to expand to more homes and municipal buildings in 2023.
You can help!
Donate to our Urban Nature fund to support our work as part of the Bird Friendly Halifax coalition and Operation Window Strike. Join us! Want to join us for our next coalition meeting? Have an idea for a project that would make HRM more bird friendly? Sign up for emails, follow along on Facebook, or reach out to