Help Gertie Go Electric!
Registered Name: Gabriola Community Bus Foundation
Business No: 817733132RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
The purpose of the Gabriola Community Bus Foundation is to protect the environment for the benefit of the public by operating a community bus system on Gabriola Island, a rural gulf island in British Columbia.
In 2008 Gertie (Gabriola Community Bus Foundation) was established by the support of active citizens and public engagement to establish a public bus for Gabriola Island, supporting a population of 4,500 people and yearly visitors. After 10 sucessful years, the organization is now securing the first electric bus to replace aging desiel vehicles. This move will further reduce annual carbon emmissions.
We need your help in fundraising the last $20,000 to purchase two buses, a commercial charging station, and additional support equipment for our electrification transition. Be part of the effort to reduce emmisions, support public transportation, and ensure safe and reliable rides for bus users into the future. Think global, Act local.