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2.21 Rwanda Rising Scholarship Fund


Business No: 804966422RR0001

2.21 Rwanda Rising Scholarship Fund

Oak Bay Rotary Foundation created Rwanda Rising Scholarship Fund to assist with humanitarian, social development and education projects in Rwanda.

On November 7, 2023, with encouragement from the Members and Directors of the Rotary Club of Oak Bay, Oak Bay Rotary Foundation made a commitment to solicit 20 new sponsorship donations ($315.00 Credit Card or $300.00 Cash) to support high school boarding students on behalf of Rwanda Rising.

In return for a tax-deductible donation ($315.00 Credit Card or $300.00 Cash), sponsors will receive a donation receipt from Oak Bay Rotary Foundation (or CanadaHelps) and regular reports from Rwanda Rising about the sponsorship program and the status of their sponsored student.

Every sponsorship donation ($315.00 Credit Card or $300.00 Cash) to Rwanda Rising Scholarship Fund will support a high school boarding student in Rwanda for a year.

Donors may donate online ($315.00 Credit Card) or by delivering payment ($300.00 Cash or Cheque) to Oak Bay Rotary Foundation at #207B-2187 Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, BC V8R 1G1.

As of November 24, 2023, Oak Bay Rotary Foundation has received eight (8) new sponsorship donations.