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Rustle Church Accessible Bathroom

Registered Name: Rustle Free Methodist Church

Business No: 107406316RR0053

Rustle Church Accessible Bathroom

Rustle Church provides physical, emotional, spiritual and relational support to those impacted by addictions, mental health concerns and poverty. Our mission statement is "As an unexpected family, we encourage the unlikely to root themselves in an uncommon love". Our neighborhood is high-needs with low-means. Many are supported through social services, such as ODSP, and live with both physical and mental health concerns. Not unlike other social service agencies in the neighborhood, we intentionally started our church in the middle of this area specifically to serve and support this vulnerable demographic. Because our building is not accessible, those with mobility challenges cannot enter our facility and therefore miss out on being connected with the entire community. Rustle Church is situated in an underprivileged neighbourhood whose population experiences greater accessibility needs than most parts of Kingston. We are working to install an exterior accessible ramp to allow people with mobility challenges to enter our building so they can be included. But the belonging piece will come from having an accessible washroom. If there is no washroom to accommodate a wheelchair or eliminate the use of stairs, our building remains a place for short visits, but not a place for belonging. An accessible washroom will remove significant physical barriers for those who seek help accessing the care they need, and allow them to become rooted in community through events and programs. The cost of the bathroom is about $50,000 with $25,000 donated generously by the United Way, we are working to raise the remaining $25,000 to pay for the accessible bathroom.