Simon House Recovery Centre
Business No: 119150589RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Simon House Recovery Centre programs are designed for guiding and empowering individuals to recover from addiction and all of its effects.

Who We Are
Simon House guides and empowers individuals to achieve long-term recovery from addiction and all its effects. Through our Mission, to support those affected by addiction to discover who they can BE, where they BELONG and what they can ultimately BECOME; our Vision, a place where anyone impacted by addiction can heal, grow, and reintegrate into their communities as healthy individuals; and Core Values of compassion, acceptance, collaboration integrity, humility, and innovation, we are leading the way in addiction treatment and lifelong recovery.
Our Story
Founded in 1982 by Doreen Baker, Sheila Cameron and Franciscan Brother, Bernard Barry, who named Simon House after Bible character Simon of Cyrene, who was a bystander during Jesus' crucifixion. When Jesus became too weary to carry his cross, the Roman soldiers compelled Simon to carry it for him.
Simon House began its work in a Bowness duplex that still serves men in need today, 40 years later. Simon House has been, and will always be a beacon of hope and refuge for men who have found themselves in the grip of addiction. Humble beginnings saw Brother Bernie and Doreen work tirelessly with integral volunteers and original employees, to grow and develop Simon House into the program and facility it is today. In 1983, the duplex immediately next door to its original location was generously donated to expand Simon House services and support. In 2006, through the generosity of donors, Simon House built a 30 bed building with a full commercial kitchen, board room, and office space.
Today, Simon House operates 3 buildings and 67 beds, which provide 3 distinct phases of addiction treatment and recovery to assist men in moving from a residential program to transitional housing, and onto independent living with supports and counselling. Through committed staff, board members, donors, and community partners, Simon House has become a highly respected, valued, integral, and successful addiction recovery centre in the Calgary community, serving men from all across Canada.
In addition to our residential program, we now offer New Leaf, a 12-week intensive day treatment program delivered offsite. We are also working in partnership with a unique addiction recovery program specifically designed for women leaving sex work.
With your support, we will continue to save many lives from the disease of addiction. Simon House is proud to be fully accredited by Accreditation Canada. In 2024, we were recognized as one of the Top Five Impact Calgary Charities through Charity Intelligence.