Lighting the Way 2024
Registered Name: St. Albert Sturgeon Hospice Association
Business No: 803249770RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Lighting the Way 2024 - Event and donation page
We are excited to announce that this year’s Lighting the Way will take place on Thursday, November 21st. Once again, we will light up the trees atop Mission Hill and the surrounding grounds of Foyer Lacombe Hospice, creating a beacon of hope and remembrance for hospice residents and their families. This heartwarming event not only brings the community together but honors the memory of those who have died, those who are ill and their caregivers, as well as to support compassion and palliative care in our communities.
Lighting the Way… denotes a path or journey – for those who are ill and their caregivers, for those who have had a loved one die, and for the community as a sign of support for compassion and palliative care.
Lighting the Way… raises much needed funds to support the programs of SASHA serving St. Albert and Sturgeon County families who are affected by or living with a life-limiting illness whether they are at home, in hospice, or hospital.
Lighting the Way… offers an opportunity for the community to come together and show their support through corporate sponsorship or donations to light the trees surrounding Foyer Lacombe Hospice.
Lighting the Way… not only brings cheer during the festive season to the families and residents of the hospice and long-term care facilities, but the lights on the hill are enjoyed by the entire community.
Lighting the Way… is an acknowledgment that we live in a caring and compassionate community.
Please follow this link to donate to Lighting the Way 2024...