A Family That Cares ~ John & Avery Stobbe Family Fund
Business No: 122437072RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.

A Family That Cares – John and Avery Stobbe Family Fund was established with the Edmonton Community Foundation (ECF) in 2007. The goal of the fund will be to leave Endowment for people of Edmonton; a City the Stobbe Family has called home since 1952 when Manus and Ann Stobbe arrived thru Pier 29 from Amsterdam, The Netherlands. This is a donor advised fund with ECF; which means that the Stobbe Family will work closely with the Foundation to support current needs within the City of Edmonton with support and research provided by the staff of the Foundation.
The initial thoughts of the Stobbe Family are to support local Charities with a Public Benefit that wish to start their own operating endowments. We plan to be the Seed for other operating endowments. We are excited about supporting; education, youth at risk and public art. These initial three area’s that the Stobbe Family feel is where they can make a difference & impact and at the same time give back to Edmontonian’s and the City of Edmonton.
Currently the Fund is supported on a monthly basis by donations from the Stobbe Family, Shackleton Equities Inc., Century 21 – Shackleton Realty and several other local businesses and individuals. The fund welcomes all donations and will continue to focus on special needs within the City of Edmonton.
As the fund balance continues to grow; additional areas of focus and community support will be added. They believe that this fund will be a seed for many other Endowment funds.