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$150 supports a charity meal program

Registered Name: Victoria Community Food Hub Society

Business No: 818349730RR0001

$150 supports a charity meal program

Having equitable and safe access to healthy, fresh foods should not be a luxury in our community. Everyone deserves a place at the table. 

Food producers in our region have fresh and healthy food ready to sell.

Local charities are connecting food insecure families in our community with fresh food boxes.

South Island FarmHub and the Farmbucks Program connect these two community needs. Our Farmbucks program increases the purchasing power of local charities and schools who support vulnerable community members with high quality produce and healthy meals.  Over the past year, Farmbucks have covered over $100,000 in food purchases; and our list of participating organizations is growing.

This holiday season, support regional farmers and reduce food insecurity for our community by supporting the Farmbucks Program. Every $1 you give is matched by local charities, bringing $2 of direct impact through fresh food access in our community.

We invite you to donate today—as a single gift or a monthly donor—because access to food is important 365 days a year.