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Every Student, Every Day: Building Wellness and Belonging in Northern Schools

Registered Name: Victoria Gold Yukon Student Encouragement Society

Business No: 809760234RR0001

Every Student, Every Day: Building Wellness and Belonging in Northern Schools

Every Student, Every Day: Building Wellness and Belonging in Northern SchoolsAt Every Student, Every Day, we believe that every student deserves the opportunity to succeed, no matter where they live. By investing in the education and mental wellness of students in northern Canada, we are helping to create tomorrow’s leaders—bright minds who will shape Canada’s future.

The challenges of the pandemic may be behind us, but its effects on mental wellness and school attendance continue to impact students in northern Canada. Together, we can help them overcome these barriers and build a brighter future.

Students in remote and rural communities face unique challenges, from limited resources to feelings of isolation. With your help, we can ensure that students in the North have the same opportunities as their peers across Canada. Your support will help fund:

  • Mental wellness programs that provide students with critical support.
  • Hands-on STEAM activities that inspire innovation and future-ready skills.
  • Community-driven projects that foster belonging and engagement.

By empowering students today, we are building stronger communities and a brighter future for all of Canada. Every donation makes a difference. Join us in creating opportunities for students in northern Canada—your support can transform lives and strengthen our country.