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Help Fill the Pond


Business No: 140265570RR0001

Help Fill the Pond

Help Fill the Pond! Purple Martins, Tree Frogs and Newts rely on Us!

The Conservation Area is composed of a 96 hectare intertidal zone of mudflats and salt marsh, and a 30 hectare upland area including fresh water ponds designed by Dr. Patrick Mooney two decades ago. As a management strategy, groundwater is pumped seasonally into the pond to support a freshwater habitat for a variety of species. Tragically we have been experiencing drought in the pond and our system was failing. We have determined that the groundwater pump needs urgent replacement at a cost of $10,000 for equipment and installation by Precision Service & Pumps Inc. of Abbotsford.  As a non-profit charity, we are looking to our membership and nature lovers to help us manage this unexpected cost.  Please donate if you can!

All donations are eligible for a tax receipt. Donors will be recognized as the “fundraising pond” fills up in the fall issue of Wingspan.  Pick a species level and dollar amount and donate today! We need water this summer for small critters to survive and biodiversity to flourish:

  •     $50 Pacific Chorus Frog
  •     $75 Rough Skinned Newt
  •     $100 Purple Martin
  •     $500 Hooded Merganser
  •     $1000 Pacific Great Blue Heron