2024 Winter Appeal
Business No: 119257525RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Dear Friends,
We ask for your financial support to sustain the community-building work of West Neighbourhood House. We believe thatfostering caring relationships and building bridges between people with differing views are the best long-term strategies inthese times.
Our recent newsletter (westnh.org/fall2024newsletter) and the photos on these pages tell some of our community-buildingstories. We hope you will find inspiration in the impact we are having.
While most of our daily work is serious problem-solving for low-income and/or socially isolated people, we understand theimportance of helping people in our community stay connected, engaged and hopeful.
Your donation will empower the House to tackle essential community development work that goes beyond what mostinstitutional funders support. With your help, we can foster a strong sense of shared responsibility for each other, unitecommunity members, and hold government accountable. Your support also enables us to respond swiftly to emergingissues and opportunities in the neighbourhood, filling the gap before government funding can step in.
Join us in strengthening our community—please consider donating today.
On behalf of staff and volunteers in the House, we extend our warmest wishes for the upcoming holiday season.
Prasad Rao, Volunteer Board President, and Maureen Fair, Executive Director.
P.S. If you are able, please consider donating your unexpected $200 provincial “rebate” cheque to West Neighbourhood House. You can give online at westnh.org/donate.