Be a part of the Story of Water

The Aquatic Biosphere Project is a new multi-impact eco-attraction being planned for the Edmonton Region. Exploring the 'Story of Water', it will feature a public conservation aquarium, aquatic biosphere education centre and research institute.

The Aquatic Biosphere Society of Canada is behind this project, to bring education, conservation and research activities to our community and visitors to the region. Engagement that brings a sense of wonder and discovery for the richness of life that exists all around us, right down to the smallest drop of water.

Like the drops of water needed to fill a lake, this project needs every drop of support. Knowledge and understanding of how water is connected, how life is connected to water, how humanity and our cultures are connected to water is more important than ever. The creation of this attraction will explore, engage and inform through science-based exhibits and conservation initiatives, educational programming, cultural understanding and personal connections.

We call it "The Story of Water". Become an active part of that Story with a supporting donation.

Aquatic Biosphere Society logo

BN: 831481387RR0001

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