Numéro d'entreprise : 135227387RR0001
Cet organisme est désigné par l'Agence du revenu du Canada (ARC) comme organisme de bienfaisance enregistré. Ils se conforment aux exigences de l'ARC et ont reçu un numéro d'enregistrement d'organisme de bienfaisance.
Acteurs locaux solidaires pour la protection de environnement naturel : recyclage, énergies renouvelables, forêts durables, pas de chimie

Vision: The Society of High Prairie Regional Environmental Action Committee supports the protection and enhancement of the natural environment.
Mission: The mission of the Society of High Prairie Regional Environmental Action Committee involves both public education about and activities supporting responsible waste management, sustainable energy production, sustainable resource development, airshed and watershed protection in our region.
REAC's newest goal is the Plastics Remanufacture Project:
What if we could re-manufacture plastic at the locations it becomes waste?
What if people around the world had the information they need to be able to work with plastic safely? What if communities could safely make plastic ‘waste’ into new products and art that their community can use, sell, and enjoy?
Working by proving and/or improving health, safety, and environment protocols for people who are currently recycling plastics around the world, this project aims to answer questions around how we can safely work with plastic with short, open-source videos. Then we will fundraise and set up pilot projects in partnership with communities around Northern Alberta to hire artists, artisans, and technicians to start doing the work of re-manufacturing plastic which will lead to more questions and more video answers.
YouTube channel:
REAC supports Keepers of the Water Council and their work. We have some projects in common, like our solar projects. REAC has produced four installations of various sizes, for schools, a landfill, a skateboard park, and a music festival. Keepers has produced solar installations in partnership with First Nations, for example this project in partnership with Beaver Lake Cree Nation:
Keepers of the Water Council
Mission: The Keepers of the Water is comprised of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit peoples; environmental groups; concerned citizens; and communities working together for the protection of air, water, and land - and thus, for all living things today and tomorrow in the Arctic Drainage Basin.
Vision: Water is life. We embody water. It is a sacred gift. Love, honor, and respect of water is essential. We share a vision of unity based on Elders’ guidance, ceremonies and natural law. Keepers of the Water values water and environment, for a sustainable and just future for the survival of all living beings for generations to come.