Registered Name: ST. MARK'S CHURCH
Business No: 118787142RR0052
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Qualicum Beach group formed to support a refugee family.
In the Anglican Parish of St. Mark, Qualicum Beach, we seek to be a progressive church, open to the leading of God’s Spirit in this time and place. We seek the full inclusion of all people. This extends to our sacramental practice, where seekers are welcome to receive communion, and baptism, marriage and ordination are available on an equal basis to any qualified candidate. We are committed to serving the poor and working for economic equality for all people on these islands and inlets.
We are located in the middle of Qualicum and we invite you to come and participate in the worship and life of this Christian, Anglican community. Please know that wherever you are on your “Journey of Faith,” you are welcome here.
Perhaps you have found this parish while following the life of a loved one. Our Memorial Fund has been established so that we may contribute “in memory of” our beloved family and friends. These finances help to continue the work of spreading the Word of God’s love to all.
Alternatively, as we are an enabling Parish of the Refugee Sponsorship Program, you may wish to contribute to the financial support of our Refugee families as they establish a new life in the Oceanside area. This fund is named the Ali Al Faraj Sponsorship Group.
Finally, we are a Parish whose mission and ministry is to serve God’s people and to keep our hearts and minds open to continuing our own journey of faith. We are active in teaching the Christian faith, caring for each other, and reaching out to the community when there is a need of care – but mostly, we journey together to find new life steeped in God’s love. Donations to the Church ministry continues such work as “Messy Church”, Bible Study, Reaching out to Seniors and youth in our community. Please join us in supporting God’s work through the ministry of the Church.