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Cyclone Idai


Business No: 827584996RR0001

Cyclone Idai

Iris has bases in Beira, Dondo and southern Malawi - the three worst hit areas of this cyclone. We have trained relief teams on the ground that have been both evaluating the vast needs, and at the same time are focussed on the people in front of them. The need is extensive and we are partnering with all Agencies in these areas to bring as much relief as we possibly can. Practically, we are rescuing people with the use of our boats and vehicles, and logistically are helping with emergency items, shelters, and  distributing large quantities of food at centres we have set up in conjunction with the local Government. Just yesterday our Malawi base procured 20 tons of food, which is being distributed over the next days. Containers are being shipped that will continue to help in the long-term.  These are our homes and we are here for the long-term.  Rebuilding efforts will take many years. We seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus - as he calls us to give a cup of cold water to those in need. Thank you for your prayer and  support.