Registered Name: Regional Food Distribution Association of Northwestern Ontario
Business No: 809124613RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
The RFDA has a collaborative distribution and mentorship role to mitigate hunger across a diverse region: urban, rural, remote, young, old.

Our Mission
The RFDA's Mission is "let no one go hungry in our midst".
Our goals are as follows:
* create a reliable and equitable emergency food delivery system throughout the region
* coordinate food collection from: individuals, gardens, farms, processesors, retailers, and organizations
* promote the universal right to access a sustainable supply of healthy and culturally appropriate food
* provide food related instruction and hands on food preparation volunteer opportunities
The organization hopes to fulfill this mission by better securing and distributing emergency food to meet the needs in Northwestern Ontario. The RDFA was formed in June 2003 to develop and implement a coordinated strategy for the delivery of donated food to community organizations who provide for those with food shortage. Its current membership includes food distributing agencies from the city of Thunder Bay, Ontario and Region. We provide food to food banks.
The RDFA has received shipments of food from the National Food Share System through Food Banks Canada and its membership in the Ontario Association of Food Banks (OAFB). We are the designated “hub” for food distribution in Northwestern Ontario. In the past two years we have been able to provide over two million dollars worth of food to our 45 member organizations. We rely on food and cash/cheque donations to feed our hungry neighbours. We embrace a hand up philosphy. We have become active participants in community gradens, community kitchens, preparing nutritious food for soup kitchens, and have an active youth kitchen program. We promote changing lives through healthy eating and continuous learning.
The RFDA is a proud supporter of remote First Nation communities, through emergency food shipments, and food sovereignty initiatives. Collectively we are working towards a food secure network of vibrant communities.