Cathedral Church of All Saints, Halifax
Business No: 131908394RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Our parish community of over 300 families and individuals support, and are advocates for, a number of critical outreach programs.

As a church community, we are called to be a place of hope in God’s world: where God is worshipped with heart, mind and voice; where Christ’s peace and justice are sought; and where strangers can become friends.
We love our neighbours and in doing so, love God through;
Attentive nurturing of common life –creating a community of faith where people know and care for one another, embracing the diversity of our backgrounds and our gifts
Abundant hospitality – that welcomes, invites and connects
Living liturgy – that resonates and connects people in the experience of holy worship
Excellence in music and song in liturgy and performance
Enriched opportunities for intelligent inquiry and dialogue – offering challenging, enjoyable and diverse opportunities to explore and learn and deepen our faith
Compassionate service, advocacy and justice-building in our community and beyond
Presence as a holy and spiritual place and as a venue for artistic expression in the centre of Halifax
Communication of our ministry to our communities, inviting collaboration
In pursuing our vision, we are open to the leading of the Holy Spirit at work in our congregation, our neighbourhood, and our world.
Approved by Congregational Council - January 22, 2020
As a Cathedral community, we acknowledge with respect that we are located on the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People.