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CanSerra Vocational Institute Tuition Drive!

Registered Name: CanSerra: Canadian Society for Education in Sierra Leone

Business No: 756137204RR0001

CanSerra Vocational Institute Tuition Drive!

Now that our CanSerra Vocational Institute is up and running, we need to fill the classrooms with eager-to-learn students! For only $100, you can provide tuition, transportation and food allowance for a student wishing to enroll in one of our classes, including: tailoring, computer studies, culinary, hairdressing and cosmetology, and public and reproductive health! 

Give a person a fishing rod and they can feed themselves and their family for a lifetime! Give a person a trade and they'll be able to get a job, and feed themselves and their family for a lifetime, and pass their skills onto their children and feel awesome about themselves and ...