Business No: 827368879RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Grace Apostolic Ministries Inc. is a Christian Religious Faith that preach the Good News of the Finished Work of Jesus Christ on the Cross.
Grace Apostolic Ministries Inc. is a Christian Pentecostal church that preaches the Good News of the word of God by using faith language for harvesting people and empowering them to have dominion and to enter into the kingdom of The Most High God through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
- We organize weekly programs that include: Sunday Worship Services, Friday Fasting and Intercessory Prayers, Wednesday Bible Studies, Saturday Family Prayer Network Telephone Prayer Program and Friday children telephone prayer program
- We engage in neighbourhood evangelism in various communities
- We do personal deliverance and healing for members of the public
- We run open heaven revival programs and community support services to our communities.
- We carry out annual prayer conferences and other activities that glorify God.
- We run the Global Missions Now More Than Ever program where we send our volunteer members on short term missionary journeys with evangelical, medical, and material supplies that meet the needs of the total man
- The Family Prayer Network is on mission to reach all families of the world with the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and family liberation program, identification and activation of family redemptive gifts etc.
- We strive to restore the dominion given to people by God through teaching the new faith language doctrine to the global community
- We assist people to determine the divine redemptive gifts through the true colour spiritual gifts analysis
- We collaborate and partner with other well-meaning churches and ministries towards achieving the Great Commission for the advancement of the kingdom of God.