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Spring Campaign - Community Food Insecurity Crisis


Business No: 119278133RR0001

Spring Campaign - Community Food Insecurity Crisis

Right now, people all over Waterloo Region are facing an affordability crisis. Many are being forced to make difficult choices every day – choosing between food, rent, and heat. To help address food insecurity in our region, United Way is asking for your support. 

Please, will you donate what you can to help nourish someone in need right now?  

$50 can provide a day's worth of nutritious food for a family of four, or 25 lunches for a child who would otherwise go hungry.

Hunger discriminates. The most affected are the most vulnerable - people living in poverty, children, and those most marginalized such as the elderly, women, Indigenous people, refugees, those with disabilities, and people experiencing homelessness.

Without proper nutrition or enough food, children do not develop to their full potential and adults are not as productive as they could be. The cost to society is far greater than what it would take to ensure three healthy meals a day.

Your gift will ensure that nutritious, culturally appropriate foods are available to the most vulnerable in our community.

Food programs serve as a gateway for referrals to other critical social services. That is the value of United Way – your gift is stretched and contributes to a network of programs.

You are a critical part of the solution.

Please donate today.

Each gift, no matter how big or small, goes a long way.