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Crisis Volunteer Recruitment & Training

Registered Name: Victim Services of Simcoe County

Business No: 896290236RR0001

Crisis Volunteer Recruitment & Training

Did you know that it costs approximately $300.00 per year to recruit, train, and provide enhanced education for a volunteer? This year we hope to train 50 new volunteers and we need your help to reach our goal.

In 2017, 120 Victim Services of Simcoe County volunteers donated 44,000 hours of their time to help victims in our geographic area, our highly trained staff and volunteers provided ongoing follow-up support to many individuals in addition to 829 new trauma victims. Sadly, when a referral  is received from police or community agencies, we see people on the most difficult day of their life. No one asks to be a victim, or deserves to be a victim. But when something happens, we are glad to be here to help. We help people impacted by homicide, suicide, domestic violence, adult, teenage or child sexual assault, human trafficking and many other traumatic situations. These events are life changing. But those we help tell us that our presence, knowledge, support, compassion and dignified support make a real difference. Whether we support parents of an infant who died suddenly in sleep, or stand beside an officer while difficult news of a death is delivered, or accompany a victim to the sexual assault center for treatment, every person matters. Our programs may provide financial help for counselling, funerals for victims of homicide, transportation to safe places, basic necessities, food and accommodation, and much more. We help people become survivors. You help us to help others through your donation by ensuring that we can continue to provide enhanced training and services to be there when needed. 

Thank you for partnering with us to make a difference in the lives of others.