Business No: 132199480RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
AARC is is an accredited, long-term intensive treatment centre for substance dependent adolescents between the ages of 12 and 21.
Our Mission
AARC's mission is to successfully treat adolescents and their families suffering from the disease of alcoholism and/or drug addiction, through a cost-effective, research-based, clinically validated treatment model, and to provide current, relevant information and perspectives on adolescent chemical dependency to as many individuals and institutions as possible throughout our community.
About AARC
AARC is a Calgary based, non-profit organization that operates a long-term treatment centre for chemically addicted adolescents and their families. At AARC we have seen adolescents through frighteningly low points in their lives. Thanks to this exceptional program of recovery, we have witnessed the same youths graduate with hope instead of despair.
Success at AARC is an AARC graduate who is clean and sober, back in school or working, and reunited with his or her family.
Our vision is for AARC to be a recognized leader in adolescent addiction recovery for severely addicted adolescents. Maintaining a safe environment for the treatment of clients and their families, we support and enhance the treatment process while working to expand our reach.