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Accessing The Digital World


Business No: 895648335RR0001

Accessing The Digital World

In these challenging times, peer support and training has become an essential part of our work. Many blind individuals have found themselves even more isolated than before COVID-19. That is why enabling connections with peers who are experiencing similar challenges has been one of our main focuses over the past three years.

We are proud to say that we have provided more than 100 one-on-one training sessions, workshops, presentations, and public Board meetings. These have been open to both AEBC members and non-members, welcoming anyone in need of support. With up to 15 participants per session, a variety of topics have been discussed, ranging from coping with COVID testing to technical troubleshooting. The connection with others who can understand and offer tried and true help has proven to be an essential coping tool during these difficult times.

“The weekly chat is the highlight of my week. I don’t know how I would have coped if it hadn’t been for this connection,” said one participant.

With your help we can do more.

We know it will take some time before all AEBC members, as well as blind individuals in general, feel entirely comfortable connecting with their peers in person. Online peer support will remain crucial for some time. To ensure that those who require more extensive support can benefit, we have implemented a one-on-one peer mentoring program. Dedicated volunteers act as mentors, providing personalized assistance to individuals who need it most.

Louise is a dedicated volunteer, affiliate board member and host of one our peer mentor group sessions.

“Participants have shared with me that they felt supported and not so alone during the pandemic”.  The chats provided a vital support network where participants could give and take from each other’s experiences and problem solve common issues.  Technology has been a lifesaver, and helping other persons who are blind to learn the technology skills needed to access Zoom, has given Louise a real sense of accomplishment. 

Topics covered in our one-on-one training sessions include the use of adaptive technologies, virtual fitness and health, recreational pursuits, online shopping and banking, researching resources, and learning Braille. Workshops and presentations cover areas such as access to elections, leadership, and self-advocacy training.

All of these incredible initiatives would not be possible without the dedication and generosity of our volunteers. AEBC members have selflessly given their time and expertise as, mentors, blindness skills trainers, presenters, workshop organizers, writers, editors, and publishers. It is important to note that many of these individuals live on very limited incomes. Therefore, it is our sincere desire to compensate them for their invaluable contributions or to contract one or two individuals to undertake much of this important work.

To continue and expand our peer support and training programs, we need your support. Your generous donation will enable us to provide a greater number and wider variety of training and will ensure the sustainability of our initiatives. Together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of blind, deafblind and partially sighted individuals who rely on our services for essential support and empowerment.

Please consider making a contribution today. Your gift, no matter the size, will directly impact the lives of those in need.