Agriculture in the Classroom Canada
Registered Name: Agriculture in the Classroom Canada
Business No: 806867396RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Who We Are
AITC-C is the national voice for agriculture education in Canada, reaching over 2 million students and educators. Alongside our AITC member organizations, we are driven by a passion for the agriculture and food sector and lifelong learning. Together, we are committed to engaging Canadian students and educators to enhance their knowledge and appreciation of agriculture and food. Transparency, integrity, empowerment and collaboration firmly ground us in everything we do.
What We Do
As a charitable organization, we operate from coast to coast with our ten provincial AITC members to deliver accurate, balanced, and current curriculum-linked agri-food resources, programs, and initiatives that are based on science. Through inquiry-based learning, we encourage students and educators to be curious, critical thinkers. By offering dynamic and unique outreach opportunities to connect with Canadians who make their living in agri-food, we bring students up close and personal with Canada’s agriculture and food story.
Our Vision: Agriculture in every classroom, inspiring every student.
Our Mission: To cultivate a meaningful connection to agriculture and food for students and educators.
Our mission is achieved through the following objectives:
Promote the value of agriculture, sustainable food systems, and Canada’s agricultural resource base to students, educators, and society.
Provide students and educators with quality educational resources, programs, initiatives, and other agricultural information that highlight agriculture as an important part of our economy and way of life.
Enable students to make informed decisions about food choices, food safety, local food supplies, and other agricultural products.
Partner with the education, agriculture, health, and business communities to develop, implement, and evaluate quality initiatives.
Help students perceive the agriculture and food sector as a viable, desirable, and exciting place to have a career.
Build relationships between our organization and our stakeholders across Canada.