Business No: 118782754RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
The Alliance for Canadian New Music Projects recognizes the land on which we live, work, and play is Indigenous land and territories. The ACNMP spans many ancestral lands including some treaties, territories, and unceded lands. We acknowledge our traditional hosts and honour their welcome and graciousness to those who seek knowledge.
The Alliance for Canadian New Music Projects (ACNMP) is an organization dedicated to the promotion of Canadian contemporary music. Throughout our history, it has been our mission to encourage teachers to teach Canadian contemporary music, to motivate students to study and perform this music, and to encourage Canadian composers to write music for students of all levels from the most junior to the paraprofessional.
Our MissionTo promote, and preserve Canadian contemporary music as a cornerstone of our national heritage by fostering its performance among students, teachers, and performers through education, festivals, and workshops.