Amakon Women Empowerment Inc.
Registered Name: Amakon Women Empowerment Inc.
Business No: 808485338RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Amakon Women Empowerment Inc. (AWE) is missioned to promote women's success by providing disadvantaged women and girls access to success-enhancing tools.
Our success-enhancing tools are in 3 major areas:
1. Assist and enable girls complete and get their high school Diploma.
A high school Diploma may not seem like much but it is the stepping stone to most other future endeavors. Without it, people have a harder time accessing employment or further education. That is why we target at-risk, dysfunctional, pregnant and parenting high school girls and help them with access to computers, food for themselves and their babies, and baby supplies to help then continue at school and get their Diploma. We see this as a stepping stone to debentures that can enable women to build on and break out of abuse, exploitation and poverty.
2. Provide Free Computer-Skills Training to Disadvantaged Women.
Many of us are very familiar with computers, but there are some women who have never used one. However, to gain employment nowadays one needs some computer skills. Therefore AWE provides free computer skills training to disadvantaged women (women wanting to exit welfare, abusive relationships, re-enter the workforce and female new Canadians who need this skill to learn and become fluent in English so they can gain employment). This program has been suspended since 2020 because of COVID-19 stringent requirements. We are trying to convert the curriculum to a format suitable for online learning. This is expensive and time consuming. We need help to fund this conversion so that the disadvantaged women can return to acquiring the skills they need.
3. Teach Women Entrepreneurial Skills
Childcare is very expensive. Some women cannot afford it to enable them work outside the home. However, some of these ladies are very talented and given the knowhow can start their own small businesses and work from home while their children are young. AWE wants to provide such women with the skills they need to succeed. This is a new initiative. We are working very hard to create a suitable curriculum for online learning and teach them to the women. Again this is an expensive undertaking. We need help with funding to make it a reality.