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COVID-19 Urgent Response Fund

Registered Name: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Society of Canada Société Canadienne de la Sclérose Latérale Amyotrophique

Business No: 106708977RR0002

COVID-19 Urgent Response Fund

ALS Canada works with the ALS community to improve the lives of people affected by ALS through support, advocacy and investment in research for a future without ALS. We are a registered charity that receives no government funding – all our services are 100% donor funded. Since the COVID-19 outbreak, we have significantly changed the way we provide our services to allow us to continue to safely support people and families living with ALS in Ontario:

Addressing the needs of people with ALS virtually: In efforts to limit exposure, our team of Regional Managers has suspended in-person visits with people and families with ALS and are offering their services virtually by phone, email and video. More than ever, the connection with our Regional Managers is so important to people, whether it's about the progression of their disease or giving emotional support during social isolation. 

Providing financial assistance for equipment items to more people with ALS: Some of the families affected by COVID-19 experienced job loss or financial strain in recent weeks so we anticipate an increase in the applications for financial assistance for some leased and rented equipment (such as stair glides or communication devices) and purchases of small bathroom items (such as a bath chair).

Purchasing new pieces of equipment to sustain our loan pool: Through the ALS Canada Equipment Program, ALS Canada helps Ontarians diagnosed with ALS to cope with the daily challenges of decreasing mobility and communication ability by providing access to basic and essential assistive equipment through a pool of loaned equipment comprised of new and gently-used itemsDue to the COVID-19 outbreak, we are not accepting donations of gently-used equipment until further notice and therefore we will incur more costs by purchasing new equipment for people living with ALS when they need it.