Registered Name: ArtBridges
Business No: 709086490RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Donations help to support the work of ArtBridges all year!
As a donor you will be a vital partner in ArtBridges’ important work by helping us to raise awareness, connect people to community-engaged art initiatives, gather and share resources, and highlight what’s going on in the practice and field.
ArtBridges is a hub and forum for connection for anyone interested in or active in community-engaged arts and arts for social change in Canada.
When you give generously today, you are a partner in ArtBridges’ important work
Art is a vehicle for healthy community development. Art-making, creativity and art expression brings children, youth and adults together in community studios that combine recreation, education, life-skills building, economic development and leadership. Benefits to everyone include: safer and more vibrant neighbourhoods, improved mental and physical health, greater success in education and employment, community engagement and neighbourhood revitalization.
In October 2018, ArtBridges was designated as a Registered National Arts Service Organization and became a registered charity, after 10 years of operating as a project with Tides Canada.
ArtBridges’ Purpose of Corporation:To promote the Canadian dance, music, theatre, visual, media, and literary arts sectors, as well as interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and emerging art forms, on a nation-wide basis by maintaining a website for community-engaged arts initiatives that connect people interested or active in community-engaged arts.
Main activities include:
Promoting participation, engagement and access to community-engaged arts in diverse communities across Canada in both official languages and with a strong emphasis on Indigenous communities.
Increasing connections, collaborations, and knowledge sharing between community-engaged arts initiatives to facilitate mentorship and sharing of resources: innovations, program models, and promising practices, to build learning and capacity in the field.
Advancing education, promoting and disseminating information about affordable and accessible community-engaged arts initiatives, opportunities (employment, professional development, educational courses and scholarships) and resources (toolkits, fundraising, evaluation, and policies).
ArtBridges connects with over 395 (and growing!) community-engaged arts initiatives across Canada. Learn more about these amazing initiatives from coast to coast to coast on the Map and Profile Directory:
Thank you for believing in this work! We couldn't do all this without you!