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Arthritis Research Canada Responding to COVID-19

Registered Name: The Arthritis Research Centre Society of Canada / Arthrite-recherche Canada

Business No: 870758547RR0001

Arthritis Research Canada Responding to COVID-19

Leading Research. Finding Answers. Saving Lives.

Please support Arthritis Research Canada as we respond to the impact of COVID-19 on people with arthritis. We are adapting and developing arthritis research to improve and provide better care to those affected by the pandemic, particularly those with rheumatic diseases and who are immunosuppressed.

By donating to Arthritis Research Canada your gift goes directly to supporting arthritis research, thereby having the greatest impact on the lives of more than 6 million Canadians, young and old, struggling with the pain and disability of arthritis.

Our COVID-19 Response: The research team at Arthritis Research Canada are working across Canada and internationally on a number of innovative arthritis research. These projects include: creating registries, studying psychological impacts, attitudes and behaviours, and assessing the delivery of health services for people with arthritis.

Our Associate Scientific Director, Dr. Diane Lacaille is the Canadian lead on a worldwide alliance to collect information on rheumatology patients with COVID-19. This study will provide important insights on how the COVID-19 infection impacts our patients, and how arthritis medications may add to the risk of infection.

Additionally, we’re involved in a North American-wide registry for those with juvenile idiopathic arthritis.Research is being conducted to assess the psychological impact of measures that have been put in place to control the spread of COVID-19, such as social distancing, and in turn, assessing psychological resilience with how well people with arthritis are coping and managing their stress.

The UNIFIED Study has been launched to help understand the impacts of COVID-19 on medication use and mental health in people living with rheumatic disease (osteoarthritis, arthritis, gout, and lupus).

We are collecting data on patient’s experiences with receiving care and accessing their doctor through telehealth (telephone or video) for treatment and mental-health check-ups. A further study involves arthritis patients who were previously surveyed about their overall health, stress and sense of well-being. Those same people will be re-interviewed now and again following COVID-19, to learn more about how staying at home has impacted their quality of life.

As well, we are studying the unique impact of COVID-19 on self-care in people with rheumatoid arthritis. From managing stress and keeping active, to accessing medication and eating healthy.

“We’re very mindful of the ongoing concerns about COVID-19 from our arthritis community, and as the largest arthritis research institution in North America, our commitment to innovative research remains the same”, says Dr. John Esdaile, Arthritis Research Canada’s Scientific Director. “Our world class scientists are adapting and adjusting their research to provide the most reliable information about COVID-19 and better understand its impact on people with arthritis.”

Arthritis is Serious. Only through arthritis research can we find answers and save lives.

You can support the above research and more by making a gift to Arthritis Research Canada today.