Arts Council Wood Buffalo
Registered Name: Arts Council Wood Buffalo
Business No: 810645374RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.

Arts Council Wood Buffalo is dedicated to building a thriving community through the arts.
To support our dynamic vision of a creatively empowered Wood Buffalo, Arts Council Wood Buffalo (ACWB) provides a variety of programs, services, and events to support and promote Wood Buffalo’s arts community.
1. Organizational Transformation:
- Develop a creative campus that sparks economic revitalization.
- Provide resources and investment to cultivate the arts.
- Grow connection and collaboration between artists and community to increase social cohesion.
- Be recognized as a benchmark for the Alberta arts eco-system.
2. Financial Sustainability:
- Demonstrate the value of the arts so that government and the community increases their awareness of, participation in, and commitment to the arts
- Be recognized as a great place to work.
- Be a leader of governance practices at all levels of the organization.
- Be financially sustainable.
3. Cross-sector Connection:
- Continuously commit to listening, unlearning biases, and being catalysts for social change.
- Innovate Alberta's arts sector through enhanced collaboration with other agencies.
- Trailblaze new cross-sector strategic partnerships to infuse innovation and creativity.