Business No: 846956944RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
CommunityAIM's vision is individuals with disabilities are embraced & included in the community with respect, opportunity & encouragement.

CommunityAim is a non profit Society that provides support to individuals with disabilities in Main Hubs of the County of Parkland. In 2004 CommunityAim became a Registered Charity with CRA and relies solely on donations for expenses over and above staffing costs.
Since 2004 CommunityAim has been developing strong relationships between people with disabilities, their families and the communities within the County of Parkland. Through the continuous effort of the founders, and employees of CommunityAim the mission of Fostering Friendships, Welcoming Inclusion and Inspiring Communities are still being achieved today.
CommunityAim started out by providing a teen group for youth between the ages of 11-17. After recognizing there was a need for other supports, CommunityAim initiated the Community Support Program in January 2005. From requests made by parents of children with disabilities for more services that were not available in the County of Parkland, CommunityAim developed a long term plan to proudly declare our place in the community. On July 4, 2005 CommunityAim made those requests reality and opened a 24 hour respite care home (Maitland House) that provides support to children with disabilities.
Today, CommunityAim continues to provide quality supports for children and youth and now adults. CommunityAim responds to many diverse situations with the intent of developing a solution for the needs of individuals, and their families. With various degrees of experience that CommunityAim employees have, to learning new procedures, CommunityAim has the resources to establish the care that individuals with disabilities need.
CommunityAim now supports 8 Community Homes along with Maitland House. CommunityAim also continues to provide Respite, Community Access, Transitional Planning, and Employment Supports and has added a Summer Program and Adult Day Program to its support services.