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Association québécoise des personnes aphasiques


Business No: 892710757RR0001

Founded in 1982, the AQPA was the first association for people with aphasia to emerge in Quebec. The AQPA is supported by its Foundation.

Association québécoise des personnes aphasiques


Our Mission

Founded in 1982, the AQPA was the first association for people with aphasia in Quebec. The founders of the association wanted to offer people with aphasia a place outside of rehabilitation service, where it is possible to develop one's independence and break the isolation that aphasia can cause.

Aphasia is the total or partial loss of the ability to communicate in an indivudal who had previously experiencednormal language abilities. Aphasia can affect a person's ability to speak, to write to make calculation, and in some cases, to understand spoken or written language.

Aphasia IS NOT an illness, it is the result of damge in the parts of the brain responsible for language.

About Association québécoise des personnes aphasiques

To offer people with aphasia recreational choices that will allow them to participate fully in an active and social life.

To offer information on services and resources available.

To sensitize service providers and the public to the needs of people with aphasia.

To promote, protect and develop the interest of people with aphasia.


4450 Saint-Hubert

Room 425

Montreal, QC, H2J 2W9

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