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You can help autistic people shine even brighter. Donate today!  


Business No: 119248789RR0001

You can help autistic people shine even brighter. Donate today!  

Autism Ontario's commitment never weakened over the pandemic. In fact, we grew our digital programming with extraordinary results but now it’s time to reconnect in person. We need your help to keep the momentum going.

You can help autistic people shine even brighter. Donate today!  

We’re ready to get autistic people back out among their peers and friends from Autism Ontario so they can keep learning, growing and laughing.  

We started by bringing back summer camp. It was a spectacular summer full of ecstatic joy in reconnecting with friends. Teens like Michael who hadn’t spent a full day at school in 2 years. His life was turned upside down by the pandemic and he was missing out.  

Thanks to donors like you, Michael can look forward to programs that will help him with life skills and career planning like Autism Career Connections where he can learn about finding a dignified and respectful career in an environment that fosters growth, pride and lifelong fulfilment. 

We need the kindness and generosity of people like you so that even more young people like Michael can overcome the challenges brought on by the pandemic.