Business No: 867773822RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
offrir du répit, du soutien et de l’accompagnement de longue durée aux proches aidants.
Our Mission
Baluchon Alzheimer’s mission is to offer respite, support and practical help to the caregivers, recognizing their wish to keep at home their near relation with an Alzheimer disease or some related affections, in the respect of the values established by the organization.
Baluchon Alzheimer offers periods of respite from 4 to 14 days (24/7) intended for the caregivers of persons suffering from an Alzheimer’s or from a related affliction. This kind of respite is called baluchonnage and the person who provides it is called baluchonneuse.
During this period, the baluchonneuse replaces the primary caregiver as she ensures the whole of the basic cares to the person affected as well as her/his safety during the entire period of respite.