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Freya's Journey (Special Medical Needs)

Registered Name: Barrhead Animal Rescue Society

Business No: 809030059RR0001

Freya's Journey (Special Medical Needs)
Update, March 2024: Freya has been a real champ and is working through her treatment plan! She comes out to adoption events when she can and is always happy to meet new people! Freya's been very inspirational and we're grateful for everyone who has supported her in her journey so far!
Donate to the Freya's Journey campaign to help offset the cost of special veterinary procedures needed for dogs like Freya! Read her story below:
"Hello amazing BARS supporters!
My name is Freya, and here’s my story. You might remember me - I once found a loving home, but life threw me a curveball, and I find myself back with BARS through no fault of my own. The BARS family says, "once a BARS dog always a BARS dog!"
Recently, the vet discovered that both of my back legs are in need of TPLO surgeries. Imagine not being able to run, jump, or play fetch without pain. That's been my reality for the last few months. So, with the help of my family at BARS, tomorrow I’m going to be having my first surgery. Then, if I'm healing well, my second surgery in about 8 weeks.
It's a bit overwhelming for me and the nice folks at BARS as procedures like this can put a financial strain on a rescue.
How You Can Help: I'm reaching out to ask for your support. Every penny counts, and together, we can make a huge impact on my life. Your generous donations will go to help BARS cover some of the costs of my surgeries, post-operative care, and rehabilitation. Hopefully the TPLO surgeries will allow me to run, play and give me the quality of life I deserve.
Thank you from the bottom of my furry heart for being a beacon of hope. Let's take this leap together!
With love and gratitude, Freya"