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BC Nature


Business No: 118913912RR0001

BC Nature


Our Mission

"Know Nature and Keep It Worth Knowing" is the mission of the Federation of British Columbia Naturalists. We operate under the public name of BC Nature and we are a member of Nature Canada.

Our Constitution describes our dual mission of education and conservation:

• To provide naturalists and nature clubs of BC with a unified voice on conservation and environmental issues

• To foster an awareness, appreciation and understanding of our natural environment, that it may be wisely used and maintained for future generations

• To encourage the formation and cooperation of nature clubs throughout BC

• To provide a means of communication between naturalists in BC.

About BC Nature

The Federation of BC Naturalists (BC Nature) is a federation of local natural history groups, formed in 1969 and now represents 56 local nature clubs with approximately 6,500 members throughout BC.

As a grassroots, largely volunteer organization, BC Nature works to protect and educate naturalists, the public and decision makers about the natural history of British Columbia, including its biodiversity, species at risk, and parks and other natural areas. Our members participate in many groups that help shape public policy on our environment. Our member clubs are at the forefront of many conservation and stewardship projects, and most clubs organize nature outings and speakers in their local communities.

BC Nature is the lead organization in BC for the Important Bird and Biodiversity Area. More information at


1620 Mt Seymour Rd

North Vancouver, BC, V7G 2R9

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