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The Parks Bank of B.C.

Registered Name: BC Parks Foundation

Business No: 731307492RR0001

The Parks Bank of B.C.

Help expand and enhance park lands and infrastructure through the Parks Bank of B.C.

B.C.’s parks are core to who we are as British Columbians. They are our backyards, our playgrounds, our cathedrals, our destinations, our homes. They are a pillar of our economy and they support the highest diversity of life in Canada. 

Because of increasing pressures like climate change and park visitation, it is more important than ever to add new park land, fund restoration and create corridors between parks so animals can survive in case of things like fire, disease or habitat loss.

The Parks Bank of British Columbia serves as a way to fund the enhancement of B.C.’s provincial park system, beyond government responsibilities.

This campaign supports organizations building and maintaining facilities like huts, trails, bridges, docks and toilets. It will also support the Foundation in facilitating the purchase or receipt of lands that we can transfer into a protected status with the support of land trusts and other organizations.

In September 2019, you helped purchase and protect 800 hectares of land in Princess Louisa Inlet through the Parks Bank of B.C. Donate today to support future land acquisition and park enhancement projects.