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Let's Grow Learning and Living Hub

Registered Name: BenefAction Foundation

Business No: 804213759RR0001

Let's Grow Learning and Living Hub

Let’s Grow Learning & Living Hub is a unique and fun day program designed specifically for medically complex, developmentally and physically disabled young adults. At 21 years of age, these adults age out of schools, leaving many of them with no place to go during the day. As a result, many of these adults are at risk of becoming disconnected from society and friends and regressing in their learning.

Let’s Grow offers a 5 days-a-week program in downtown Toronto for these vulnerable adults. Funds raised help support our program and staffing to ensure that Let’s Grow can provide the best possible program for participants.

To support this fund with a credit card donation, please use the form presented on the right. To make a gift by cheque or securities please contact our Program Director Ray Merriken at It is more cost effective for individuals to make securities donations to Benefaction directly.