Business No: 106789928RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Care and housing for individuals needing assistance in their lives as well as community based activities providing enriching experiences.
Our Mission
As an expression of our Christian faith, we support and empower people with disabilities and their families, experiencing the joys and challenges of life together.
Our Vision
People of all abilities belonging to communities where they are valued and empowered to share their God-given skills and abilities.
Donations and Membership
For Donations you can donate using through here at Canada Helps. To learn more about our donation funded supports offered, or donate to us directly, please visit Bethesda's Donation Page.
To become a member, a membership application form must be filled out, please visit Bethesda's Membership Page. Membership requires donors agree to Bethesda's Statement of Faith.
Thank you for considering a gift to Bethesda’s ministry for individuals with diverse abilities and their families. Your thoughtfulness in sharing the love of Jesus with those entrusted to our care is gratefully appreciated.
An area of interest and your support may be in our development of affordable housing for adults with developmental disabilities in our Supported Independent Living (SIL) service.
People with diverse abilities living on their own need assistance with the high cost of housing. They also learn daily living skills with Bethesda SIL workers in purchasing healthy groceries, budgeting their money in a wise manner and forming meaningful friendships. We also carefully help each person increase their independence using life experiences as teachable moments to improve decision-making skills so they can enjoy life to the fullest.
Thank you again for walking alongside us in this valuable life ministry. Visit us at for more insight into our work.