Big Brothers Big Sisters of Williams Lake
Business No: 118808369RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Every child who needs a mentor will have a mentor.
We are dedicated to providing quality mentoring programs, and promoting healthy relationships that empower children, their families and our community.
Who We Are
The Big Brothers Big Sisters of Williams Lake Agency was started in 1982 by a dedicated Board of Directors. There were no staff hired at this time and Board Members did all the work required to deliver services to the children and youth in Williams Lake. The agency has grown in staff numbers and area over three decades. We currently have 3 full time and 2 part time staff. We expanded our reach in 2014 by opening a satellite office in the South Cariboo. As an Agency we believe in the value and values of mentoring. We started with community matches when the Agency opened and have been striving to support children and youth by adding the one-to-one mentoring in schools with Site Based Mentoring 19 years ago and Group Mentoring 3 years ago. Big Brothers Big Sisters programs are preventative and operate from a strength-based perspective. Unlocking a child's true perspective creates a future where anything is possible.