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for George Bayley

Registered Name: Big On Beagles Rescue

Business No: 856968458RR0001

for George Bayley

Just as we feared...

Sweet George Bayley was in for xrays of his hind leg on July 10th after he started limping over the long weekend. We knew he had an old cruciate ligament injury when he first arrived at our beagle repair shop, but we were hoping it wouldn't become an issue for him. Sadly, it has. It's fully blown and TPLO surgery is our only option. We're looking at a surgical cost between $4-6K and there is a potential risk that his other hind leg will go during recovery and require the same surgery. 

Some people might ask why we would go to this extent for a senior dog like George. Our answer is simply, "Of course we would!" That's why we're here after all. To do all we can to give a Wonderful Life to every single beagle that wiggles their way through our open doors and outstretched arms.

And George is still enjoying HIS Wonderful Life with us.

Did you know he has a toy box full of toys and that any time his foster mom goes out, he always happily grabs one on his way to the door to greet her when she returns! He's a very happy boy. At least until this happened to his leg. We owe it to him to fix it so he can continue to enjoy his Wonderful Life for as long as he's meant to light up this world.

On behalf of George, thank you from our hearts for your support.