Recreation funding for our Group Homes
Business No: 128912359RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Year over year the cost of living has gone up and government funding had not been able to address this. In order to continue to provide adequate recreation for our clients in care we are looking for support to help pay for things that most kids should have access to such as dinner out, movies, concerts, sporting events, new bikes, sports equipment (softball gloves, footballs, soccer balls, etc.), etc.
Our goal is that by increasing recreation for our clients, our clients will be able to spend time focusing on fun rather than their problems, which in turn will help increase their ability to handle whatever comes their way if they start in a positive frame of mind. This would in turn increase client safety and comfort within the programs.