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BRV Preservation and Conservation Fund


Business No: 106805575RR0001

BRV Preservation and Conservation Fund

The Bridge River Valley is in an unprecedented emergency situation as a result of the Downton Lake Fire. Not only is it a devastating situation today, but it will be long into the future before we are fully recovered. The impacts of this fire will be felt in every part of the area and in every community sector for years to come. As a response to requests by donors, we have set up the BRV Preservation and Conservation Fund to allow donors to contribute in a way that will directly benefit the community in as simple a fashion as possible. We understand that many will not be able to donate due to pressures brought on by the Downton Lake Wildfire including evacuation, loss or work, and other factors.

Current Status of the Fund

To date $57,257 has been donated with a goal of $100,000. Our immediate goal was to provide evacuee financial supports for those needing it. We provided $500 cash to 19 different evacuees for a total of $9,500. The fund also provided $2500 in "leverage funding" to support our United Way Emergency Relief for Wildfires application, which was successful. With this funding, we are in the beginning stages of distributing a total of $45,000 in direct supports to community members including food, fuel, incidentals, housing supports, counselling supports, and staff to assist people with applications and various other needs

The fund has also committed $14,000 to Gun Lake water testing, $2,500 to Clark's Nutcracker feeding on W. Gun Lake; $20,000 to assist structure loss people with Riparian Zone testing and $3,366 to the Museum for revenue loss.

Purpose of Funding: 

Purpose: To preserve and conserve in all sectors of the Bridge River Valley. Focus for 2023/2024: To focus on recovery from the Downton Lake Wildfire.

Funding Priorities:

The BRV Preservation and Conservation Fund will endeavor to provide funding when:

- Funding is not available through other sources (i.e. a funder of last resort);

- Immediate response is critical;

and - Leverage funds are required for other funding requests.

In 2023 and 2024, priority will be given to immediate needs resulting from the Downton Lake Wildfire.

Overall disbursements will aim to support all sectors and all areas of the Valley.

Examples of Potential Funding in 2023/24: 

* Charitable needs remaining after full disbursement of the United Way Emergency Relief for Wildfire funds.

* Gun Lake recovery needs including: + Drinking Water Testing + Fire Loss (group needs) offsetting costs associated with tree removal, hazardous material testing, and removal of debris + Technical expertise (environmental, soil remediation, hydrology, etc.)

* Fire Societies + Immediate needs resulting from fire + Medium term needs to prepare for a potential 2024 response + Needs of each society and informal group

* Trail recovery and Rebuilding

* Environment and Wildlife support - White Bark Pine Restoration as an example

* Non-Profit Recovery 

-Rod & Gun Club – future site burned

-Gold Bridge Community Club – revenue loss and other needs related to evacuations

-Haylmore Heritage Club – revenue loss 

-Bralorne Pioneer Museum – revenue loss *

Fund Administration: 

The BRV Preservation and Conservation Fund is run through the Bralorne Pioneer Museum Society with support from BRVCA and will be in full compliance with the rules and regulations of the Canada Revenue Agency. Reports will be provided to stakeholders as per these guidelines. Canada Helps will be used as the vehicle for donations, which are tax deductible. Donors will receive tax receipts promptly. 

If you wish to make a large donation, please contact us directly and we can provide either e-transfer or EFT details. We are also seeking three Fund Advisors to help us administer this fund. If you are interested, please contact us at