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Education Support : Back To School 2024-2025

Registered Name: Bright Lights for Africa Foundation

Business No: 716504535RR0001

Education Support : Back To School 2024-2025

Bright Lights for Africa Foundation is excited to announce our 3rd annual Back To School program, which aims to equip underprivileged children in DR Congo and Calgary with essential school supplies. Over the past two years, our program has successfully provided school supplies to 55 African children, setting them on the path to education and empowerment.


1. Expansion of Reach: This year, our goal is to expand our reach and impact by providing essential school supplies to an additional 50 children in DR Congo and 100 children in Calgary.

2. Creating Sustainable Change: The Back To School Initiative is not just about providing school supplies; it stands for creating sustainable, life-turning, proactive, and immune change in society. By sending children from vulnerable social groups and backgrounds to school, we aim to break the cycle of poverty and empower future generations.

3. Access to Education: Our initiative focuses on providing support in school supplies and covering school fees. We believe that every child deserves access to education, as it increases their chances of making a living for themselves and supporting their communities.

4. Long-Term Impact: By investing in education today, we are investing in the future of our communities. The lasting effect of this initiative will be felt for generations to come as educated individuals contribute to the development and prosperity of their societies.

The 3rd annual Back To School program is a testament to our commitment to empowering marginalized individuals and creating positive change in our communities. Through the generosity of our supporters and partners, we can make a significant impact on the lives of children in DR Congo and Calgary, providing them with the tools they need to succeed academically and beyond.

Together, we can turn dreams into reality and pave the way for a brighter future for all.

Thank you for your support.