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BC Borstal - Trauma Care


Business No: 118818418RR0001

BC Borstal - Trauma Care

The British Columbia Borstal Association has operated successfully for the past 72 years and is committed to helping individuals create positive change. We understand that adverse life experiences can be traumatic, but such experiences do not need to derail one's natural development, or place individuals at risk.  Trauma is closely linked with mental health, addiction, stigma, negative behaviour,  and many other challenges. Despite how complex your past may be, there is one common thread that we all share...we are products of our past, and our past plays an integral role in shaping our future.

With a team of highly skilled Clinical Counsellors specializing in trauma and related issues, we help individuals create lasting, positive change.  We operate from a trauma-informed perspective and offer a unique approach to root cause treatment through our three pillars of care:

1. Prevention through education and training

Prevention underscores the importance of strong caregiver support, healthy social networks and a sense of responsibility within the community.  It is crucial that every caregiver understand child/adolescent development and how critical it is that every child has at least one supportive, caring adult in their lives. BC Borstal works with children, youth, families and schools to provide education, training, and support. 

2. Early Intervention when one faces abnormal challenges

Early Intervention speaks to immediate and skilled action in cases of exposure to a traumatic situation or experience.  This exposure can be perceived or an actual threat to one's life or safety.

3. Aftercare for those who require skilled support to manage the impacts of trauma

A traumatic response or Post Traumatic Stress is not uncommon and in many cases is a normal response to an abnormal experience.  Our brains have a built in survival mechanism however at times there is difficulty turning off the alarm.  Our skilled Clinical Care team can help restore balance and provide support.