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Help Protect BWSS Counselling Files

Registered Name: B.W.S.S.: Battered Women's Support Services Association

Business No: 130361611RR0001

Help Protect BWSS Counselling Files
We need your help to raise $20,000 to protect our counselling files.
Recently, the defense for an accused in a criminal court case petitioned the court requesting that we disclose the counselling files for a survivor of sexual assault. Can you imagine the perpetrator of sexual assault having access to your counselling files?
Neither can we.
At BWSS, we consider the confidentiality between women and their counsellor sacrosanct. So, we went to court to protect the confidential relationship between a counsellor and a survivor.
And we WON! Round one…round two is underway and we need your help to cover our legal costs. Even with a discount, we are looking at a $20,000 bill.
Will you help us protect the confidentiality between counsellor and survivor by making a donation, today? Your gift will go directly toward our legal costs and help us to continue advocating to protect counselling files from the accused.
Safety extends into the counselling relationship and safety changes everything.
Please make a donation today.