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Mental Health Support During the COVID-19 Pandemic


Business No: 108091950RR0001

Mental Health Support During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 virus and the efforts to minimize its spread, has caused many changes to our daily lives and has brought a great deal of uncertainty to our community. We’ve all been encouraged to distance ourselves from others and spend as much time as we can at home. For many, this can cause us to feel very lonely and isolated. A deliberate effort should be made to alleviate those feelings and maintain our connections with the people we care about and our community. Physical isolation doesn’t have to mean emotional isolation.

In times like these we remain committed to providing professional counselling for all who need it with no wait list or financial barriers. To safeguard the well-being of our clients and staff, all counselling sessions will now take place over the phone or online. Mental health support will be needed now more than ever as people are feeling alone, isolated, and anxious.

With your support we can help meet the growing need for counselling services to those who are feeling overwhelmed and anxious in these uncertain times get the help they need.