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Bring joy to families in need - support CIWA's Adopt-a-Family program!

Registered Name: Calgary Immigrant Women's Association

Business No: 118823657RR0001

Bring joy to families in need - support CIWA's Adopt-a-Family program!

For over two decades, CIWA’s Adopt-a-Family program has been a beacon of hope for countless immigrant and refugee women and their children. Donations to Adopt-a-Family help purchase food and supplies, offering vital assistance to families facing financial hardship. Each child in the family receives a gift/toy, making their holiday season brighter.

This year, the need is even more profound with over 100 families in need of immediate support. Together with your support, we can ensure they have meals on their tables, gifts for the children, and a renewed sense of hope.

Your support can:

Provide Essentials: Your donation helps us buy food and supplies, offering vital assistance to families facing financial hardship.

Spread Joy: Your generosity ensures every child in these families receives a gift, making their holiday season brighter.

Restore Dignity: Your kindness sends a message of inclusion and empathy, reminding these families that they are not alone.

Foster Resilience: Your support empowers local immigrant women to face their challenges with renewed strength and hope.

Without your help, these families may go without holiday gifts or necessities. Donations of all sizes make a profound impact on their lives, turning this time of year into a time of hope and happiness.