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Cambridge Shelter needs your help during COVID-19


Business No: 890259419RR0001

Cambridge Shelter needs your help during COVID-19

During this unprecedented time that we face with COVID-19, providing emergency shelter for 100 individuals experiencing homelessness has never been so challenging.

Our staff team is working 24/7 to provide safe shelter, meals, a drop-in centre, a medical clinic, mental health support and 20 Supportive Housing bachelor apartments. The safety of our residents, our employees and our community is our top priority. We need your help now more than ever!

The Canadian Government is urging people to stay home. But we are providing shelter to people who are experiencing homelessness and have no home in which to stay! We are their home during this crisis and now more than ever we need YOUR help to make a difference in the lives of some of our most vulnerable community members.

You can make a difference!

Your support during this crisis will help us to secure protective wear (masks, gloves, and hand-sanitizer) for our frontline staff. Your financial assistance will help us to purchase needed items for our kitchen where we offer over 78,000 meals a year! With your support we will be able to continue to get the supplies we need to offer our services to the people who depend on us.

Your donation truly is a gift of hope during this crisis.  Thank you!